A gift from God through Jesus Christ, John 14:6, (KJV).
What is salvation?
Salvation is a confession as Jesus as your savior along with helping us to handle the issues life by doing things in a righteous godly manner or behavior. Romans 10:9, 12-1-2, (KJV). Do not commit suicide when reading the scriptures of Romans 12: 1-2, (KJV).
Salvation is confession of Jesus as your savior, Romans 10:9, (KJV), and following his teaching to be rescued from sin or to just avoid it. This is to live a life of repentance and be joyful about it, (Jeremiah 3:6, Hosea 6:1, Ps. 51, Joel 2:12, Amos 5:4, Matthew 3:8, KJV), repentance is glorious unto God our Father in heaven.
For example: Nathan the prophet went to King David after he had gone in to Bathsheba, Ps. 51, referencing adultery, fornaticion, lust, lies. Now as many do today. This is why Ps. 51 is the sinners daily prayer. This allows God's spirit the Holy Ghost to keep us in repentance status. God delivers us from smooth sayers along with helping us to deny sin and go forward towards God's will. In the Lord's prayer it states what isin accordance with God, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, (Matthew 6: 10, KJV)".
June 16, 2024© Copyright You